Professional Studies - 0.8 CEUs (Ethics)
As interpreters bound to a standard of ethical behavior and appropriate professional standards, we have to learn how to provide our services within appropriate boundaries, especially when dealing with domestic violence situations.
Professional Studies - 0.8 CEUs (Ethics)
As members of the human race, we have a natural sense of compassion toward those who have suffered abuse of any form. However, as interpreters bound to a standard of ethical behavior and appropriate professional standards, we also have to learn how to provide our services within appropriate boundaries without seeming uncaring and cold. That is a difficult line to walk. This workshop will address the many issues surrounding those who have experienced domestic violence and will educate professionals working with Deaf and hard of hearing people on appropriate ways to work professionally yet maintaining a human side to our work.
The mandatory activities will ask for you to do some research on local laws about domestic violence and to address some ethical scenarios.
This workshop is presented in ASL/PSE.
Content Knowledge Level = Some
PLEASE NOTE - This is a streaming workshop and will become available immediately upon purchase.