Professional Studies - 0.60 CEUs
Our five-part presentation 1000 Fingerspelled Words is a comprehensive and intensive listing of most of the fingerspelled words that Deaf people use in their day-to-day lives.
This portion of 1000 Fingerspelled Words contains around 250 fingerspelled words across 11 categories:
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Professional Studies - 0.60 CEUs
Our five-part presentation 1000 Fingerspelled Words is a comprehensive and intensive listing of most of the fingerspelled words that Deaf people use in their day-to-day lives. It introduces you to a brief history of fingerspelling, provides principles for effective production and reception of fingerspelling and contains a total of 45 categories of fingerspelled words within an ASL sentence.
This portion of 1000 Fingerspelled Words contains around 250 fingerspelled words across 11 categories. If you haven't already, we recommend starting with 1000 Fingerspelled Words: Principles of Fingerspelling for an overview of the history, principles, and tips on effective production and reception of fingerspelling. Make sure to also check out the remaining 3 parts - Around the House, At Work, and Technical Spelling!
This section of the workshop includes the following categories:
In addition to seeing the fingerspelled word used in context, you will also see the same fingerspelled word isolated in a frame that you can view at normal speed, half speed, and one-quarter speed. There are questions for each category to challenge you to practice your receptive fingerspelling skills. CAUTION: if it is fingerspelling practice you want, this is the workshop for you! Signs of Development can not be responsible for eye fatigue or the need for finger splints after such intensive practice, but we do guarantee your receptive fingerspelling will be improved!
The mandatory activities will ask for you to answer some multiple-choice and short answer questions on the fingerspelled words and sentences that you see.
This workshop is presented in ASL.
Content Knowledge Level: Little