Professional Studies - 0.4 CEUs
This hands-on workshop will help students of ASL to understand and learn how to use familiar principles in signing to construct basic objects.
Professional Studies - 0.4 CEUs
This hands-on WWWorkshop will help students of ASL to understand and learn how to use the following principles in signing to construct basic objects. It is also a great refresher for experienced, longtime interpreters.
1. subject / object along with color, size, noun and classifier;
2. reference point;
3. object subject verb; and
4. classifiers of CL: A, B, C, C-small, F, G, H, I and 5-bent.
The objectives of this WWWorkshop through the presentation of these concepts and subsequent activities are to ensure the participants will understand and be able to:
* use a reference-point
* OSV construction of ASL sentences
* CL: A, B, C, C-small, F, G, H, I and 5-bent
To obtain CEU credit, the mandatory activities will ask for you to answer some simple questions, translate or interpret simple ASL sentences into English, and practice using classifiers.
This workshop is presented in ASL.
Content Knowledge Level = Little/None
PLEASE NOTE - This is a streaming workshop and will become available immediately upon purchase.